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- 1.1. Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility
- 1.2. Love compatibility
- 1.3. Marriage compatibility
- 1.4. Sex compatibility
- 1.5. Friendship compatibility
- 1.6. Business Compatibility
- 2. Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman
- 2.1. Love compatibility
- 2.2. Marriage compatibility
- 2.3. Sex compatibility
- 2.4. Friendship compatibility
- 2.5. Business Compatibility
- 3. Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman
- 3.1. Love compatibility
- 3.2. Marriage compatibility
- 3.3. Sex compatibility
- 3.4. Friendship compatibility
- 3.5. Business Compatibility
Sagittarius and Aquarius
Zodiac Compatibility
Compatibility | Business | Love | Marriage | Sex | Friendship |
84% |
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Compatibility description
Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility
Sagittarius and Aquarius consider freedom to be the highest value. They are under the auspices of fire and air, respectively. Representatives of these signs can fully exist only in that space where there are no external borders. They try to be constantly in motion, to conquer as many peaks as possible.
Sagittarius and Aquarius
Love compatibility
Sagittarius has a lot of energy and a kind heart. His nature can be quite changeable, so a person easily adapts to different living conditions. The representative of this sign can grab onto several cases at the same time, but none of them completes completely. His impulsiveness is to blame for everything. Aquarius belongs to the more stable signs of the zodiac. This person prefers to carefully store what is already there.
In love, the combination of signs is considered the most successful among the zodiacal circle. There is a mutual attraction between the representatives of the two signs, their relationship is filled with bright colors.
If the points of view of partners differ, then they find common points of contact.
Marriage compatibility
Representatives of these zodiac signs are in no hurry to tie themselves by marriage, but if they nevertheless decided to take such a step, the family will be strong enough, because the common life will bring Sagittarius and Aquarius closer together, strengthening their trust in each other. The spouses also consciously approach the issue of having children. Sagittarius and Aquarius make wise and responsible parents.
Sex compatibility
In bed, lovers are generally good together. The couple is open to experiments in intimate life. The chosen ones are not indifferent to the spiritual component of their sexual relations. The spouses receive not only physiological relaxation, but also emotional satisfaction.
Friendship compatibility
The representatives of these zodiac signs have many common interests and hobbies, they perceive many things in the same way, they like to be in the same companies. The partners can also be united by some kind of joint business - including a study or a business project.
Business Compatibility
Both partners complete tasks quickly, approaching them from a creative side, however, the woman's approach to the project is much more responsible than that of a man who is prone to frivolity. Both colleagues like very large teams. Thanks to their participation, the team becomes more friendly, and the work process itself becomes more harmonious.
Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman
Love compatibility
The compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman in love is favorable. A representative of the stronger sex will like a straightforward and bold lady. Both are comfortable spending time together, both at home and in large companies. These zodiac signs value freedom and hate routine, so they try not to burden each other with any framework.
If partners do not see each other for a long time, then their feelings cool down. It is important for Sagittarius and Aquarius to receive new sensations and fill the need for emotions. One of the chosen ones can have an affair on the side, so betrayal is not excluded. Representatives of these signs treat betrayal in their own way. For them, victories in sex are part of an impromptu game.
In a pair of Sagittarius + Aquarius, quarrels are rare. Both are used to looking at problems in terms of humor and irony. If one of the partners loses his temper, he quickly forgets about his anger.
Marriage compatibility
The compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman in marriage strives for maximum performance. These people are in no hurry to go to the registry office, but after making such a decision, their connection only strengthens. Representatives of these signs do not like to solve everyday issues, but they easily cope with them.
The Aquarius woman will not become an ideal hostess; this area of life attracts her with exclusively new skills and emotions. The lady often lacks composure and perseverance to clean, wash, iron and cook every day. Sagittarians also prefer to pay money to specialists, rather than perform men's duties on their own.
Self-realization is important for girls, and their chosen ones feel this subtly. In a difficult situation, Sagittarius will always be there. A man also dreams of building a career, but he does not always succeed in taking a high position. The ward of the air element is sometimes negligent about work, so he is deprived of awards. It is important for women to have material wealth, because they love to live beautifully.
When children appear in a family, Aquarians become wonderful mothers. They will develop the heirs in every possible way, and the fathers will enforce discipline.
Sex compatibility
The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man in sex is assessed as average. In bed, the young man behaves relaxed, he is ready for various experiments. At the same time, a man is rarely ready to improve the spiritual connection with a partner that she needs. Both signs strive for vivid sex, but see the process differently.
The Aquarius woman will have to put her selfishness into the background to achieve pleasure. Temperament needs to be applied in a different direction. A lady should open up gradually, demonstrating her positive qualities. Partners in an intimate process like intrigue and understatement.
The emotionality of the chosen ones can become a problem: if one of them is in a bad mood, then there is no point in going to the bedroom. A lady born under the sign of Aquarius may be distrustful of the other half.
Aquarius Sagittarius Compatibility
Friendship compatibility
The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman in friendship is considered almost perfect. The representatives of these signs have a lot of common interests and hobbies. Both prefer to spend time in noisy companies, they can also run a common business. These people like to talk for a long time, travel, attend public events. In a relationship, they value lightness and fun. Both will get a lot of positive impressions from friendship.
Business Compatibility
The compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman in business is assessed as favorable. Representatives of these signs perform their tasks quickly and efficiently. Ladies approach work more responsibly than their male counterparts. The latter can easily achieve success in work, but this will require a little change in their character.
Sagittarius and Aquarius feel comfortable working in a large team. With their participation, teams become more friendly, and the process becomes more harmonious. The man is excellent at negotiating, and the woman performs the primary practical tasks.
The Sagittarius leader will appreciate the dedication and responsibility of the Aquarius ward. She is rarely distracted from work, she does an excellent job with all the tasks. When the roles in tandem change, the situation remains much the same.
Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman
Love compatibility
The compatibility of the Sagittarius woman and the Aquarius man in love is assessed by astrologers as favorable. Both are endowed with wit and courage. The guy seeks to create an ideal relationship, but he has his own understanding in this regard. In love, he is looking for a cheerful partner, and not a caring darling.
The Sagittarius woman is active and cheerful, therefore she immediately attracts the attention of the Aquarius man. By uniting, partners give each other support, sincerity is present in their relationship. Sagittarius have a down-to-earth view of the world and are wise, but at the same time, ladies can generate crazy ideas driven by their thirst for adventure. The ward of Uranus fully shares the wishes of the partner.
Couple problems begin when the relationship becomes stable. Over time, it becomes more difficult for a man and a woman to surprise each other. When these signs don't get inspiration from the other half, they switch to the other person.
Marriage compatibility
The Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman decide to start a family when there are no obstacles on the way. In marriage, both try to remain cheerful, they strive to create emotional and physical comfort. Companions are not used to focusing on household chores. Aquarius and Sagittarius are ready to make a financial investment for the soonest home improvement.
Spouses enjoy an active lifestyle and frank communication. After the stamp appears in the passport, their feelings become even stronger.
Husband and wife often quarrel, but they make up violently. Problems in a couple appear against the background of solving everyday issues.
The lady does not want to do household chores, and the Aquarius man is not ready to help her.
It is difficult for a couple to make a decision about the birth of a child. This event involves planning life for years ahead and, to some extent, restricting freedom. When a baby appears in a family, young parents may even become depressed.
Sagittarius Aquarius Compatibility
Sex compatibility
The compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Sagittarius woman in sex is favorable. Both do not consider the intimate process to be anything special, but appreciate the emotions received during it. Companions don't bother about creating a romantic atmosphere. The very same sex they have will be bright and passionate.
The closeness of Aquarius and Sagittarius looks like they have been waiting for her for a very long time. A man and a woman can rip clothes and not notice what is happening around. In sex, a young man takes all the initiative on himself, he offers to go on bold experiments and realizes the desires of the other half.
The Sagittarius lady can sometimes be constrained, but this does not bother the chosen one. He can easily adjust it for himself.
Friendship compatibility
The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man in friendship is high. Even if there are no romantic feelings between the representatives of these signs, jealousy still persists. Friends try not to put any restrictions, but at the same time, there may be resentment if someone communicates with someone else.
Friends often compete with each other, since both are dependent on public attention. A woman needs rave glances from guys. The ward of Uranus is glad when everyone around him admires his sense of humor.
Aquarius and Sagittarius are ready to support each other, both morally and financially. As soon as each of them has a romantic relationship, communication will stop.
Business Compatibility
The compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman in business is good. Representatives of these signs interact well at work, all tasks are solved promptly. Management is usually satisfied with this tandem, and the rest of the employees are jealous of their colleagues.
If a Sagittarius woman takes the post of leader, she will always make concessions to her subordinate. The employee will receive all the additional resources and freedom of action. In return, it will work as efficiently as possible.
The Aquarius boss does not show seriousness while in this position. He prefers to communicate with employees as equals. The Sagittarius woman at work wants to attract attention to herself, and the approval from the management does not matter to her.
Aquarius and Sagittarius can work together as business partners. They easily negotiate and achieve favorable conditions for themselves.