Horoscope today For sign Libra

TODAY 10 February 2025. MOON growing, NEW MOON 28 February.

Today is one of the unfavorable days for Libra, whose activities are aimed at business and commerce. Contacts with management and business partners are difficult. Life potential is low, so solving problems requires more energy than necessary, and the results do not meet expectations. Do not get fooled by provocations, do not believe what you are promised, do not allow extravagant actions and grand gestures, as this will lead to misunderstandings with the people around you. You are irritable, therefore criticism in your address will heat up the atmosphere and anger. Things are arguing in practice. Make the right decisions and don't be vindictive. Spend the afternoon talking with your family and the opposite sex.

Business Horoscope

Try to build relationships with management and coworkers today, so avoid being overly emotional, even if you don't like something. Tidy up your workplace to make it more comfortable. It will lift your spirits and generate cash flow. It is advisable to refuse a party at work on this day, since it will be fraught with extremely negative consequences, in addition, if you are absent from it, you will save finances.



Today, Libra's most vulnerable part of the body is the back, so try to be as careful as possible, try to avoid lifting heavy weights, and also prevent sharp bends to the side or forward. If you spend all your working time in a sitting position, then get up from time to time, walk around, try to straighten your shoulders. Sign up for a course of therapeutic massage, but keep in mind that only a specialist, and a very competent one, will have to perform it.


Love horoscope

The day for Libra will be filled with pleasant surprises, romantic meetings and interesting acquaintances. Some events will surprise you with their unexpectedness, but do not be afraid to change something abruptly in life. Pleasant changes have been on the way for a long time, but it takes a little push for the momentous event to happen. Today is the best time to take stock of a personal nature, so sit next to each other in a cozy atmosphere and discuss everything in detail. Be frank and honest to get your priorities right.


Moon calendar

On the twelfth day, the young moon continues to be in phase II from the first quarter to the full moon. Wisdom and tranquility reign today. Do good, show compassion, show mercy, try to rebuild a relationship, give a gift or give alms. Try not to get angry. Having quarreled on this day, it will be almost impossible to make up.

Today is the time when prayers will be answered by God. A marriage made on this day will bring happiness. Dreams can be scary, but in the morning everything will be forgotten. Eat nuts on this day, drink juices. The heart is the energy center. Symbols of the day: Heart, Chalice. Stones: pink pearls, yellow coral, mother of pearl, lapis lazuli.

Moon calendar

Day 12

Today 10 February.
Age of the moon 12.5 Days - growing.
Moon at 382,945 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 147,643,596 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 0:46:43, 28 Feb 2025.


Rating Libra

Vice President–elect of the United States
1 Place
American actor
2 Place
American football tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL)
3 Place
British politician
4 Place
English television presenter
5 Place
British politician
6 Place
Canadian-American actor
7 Place
British politician
8 Place
English television presenter
9 Place
Mayor of London
10 Place
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
11 Place
English broadcaster
12 Place
English comedian
13 Place
American lawyer
14 Place
Irish poet
15 Place
Canadian–American filmmaker
16 Place
American comedian
17 Place
English actress
18 Place
Greek filmmaker
19 Place
Mexican filmmaker
20 Place
Welsh professional darts player
21 Place
English socialite
22 Place
English actor
23 Place
English comedian
24 Place
Australian tennis coach
25 Place
British writer
26 Place
Australian singer
27 Place
Leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP)
28 Place
Danish professional football coach and former amateur player
29 Place
American actress
30 Place


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