Horoscope today For sign Gemini

TODAY 25 March 2025. MOON decreasing, NEW MOON 29 March.

Today the stars recommend Gemini to hurry up. Of course, this opportunity will not be the last that you will get in your life, but why not take advantage of it. You should not give up anything that comes to you just like that. Relatives or acquaintances are trying to do more for you, even if you do not yet understand what it is for. Thank fate for such gifts and do not miss your chance.

On this day, you should not analyze too much what is happening and the people with whom you will have to cooperate. Everyone has their own way of life and their own thinking. Therefore, prepare yourself for the fact that you can easily get angry or upset and do not build yourself castles in the air.

Business Horoscope

Today is Gemini for the embodiment of their wildest ideas. You will figure out how to arrange desktops correctly or organize work not only for yourself, but also for colleagues. The whole picture will appear before you, so you won't have to suffer in some details.

If your profession is interior design, then today you will cope with business faster than usual. Therefore, you can safely count on additional income or an unplanned receipt of funds to your account. The customer will be satisfied with your efforts.



Today, Gemini will have the most vulnerable hands. Protect yourself from injuries caused during manicure manipulations or playing sports. Problems with nails are not excluded: on this day they will exfoliate, bump and even break. If your muscles are not trained enough, it is better not to burden your own body. Pain is possible with severe exertion. Better do a small set of stretching and joint exercises.


Love horoscope

In a permanent relationship today, more initiative will be required from Gemini, and just in the love sphere. In the rest, you are most likely in complete order. Surprises are welcome and anything that can pleasantly surprise your partner. Try to present something in which you will be 100% sure that you will like it. If you are not sure, if there are any doubts - immediately give up such undertakings. Unobtrusively ask your significant other how you can please him / her.


Moon calendar

On the twenty-fifth day, the Moon is in phase IV from the last quarter to the new moon, decreases. A day of immersion in oneself, inactive, contemplative. It is advisable to be alone with yourself somewhere in nature. Try to stay closer to the water, go to a bathhouse or pool. Listen to your inner voice, think about life. Forget about worldly vanity and empty space. Hurry, but slowly.

Therapeutic fasting is recommended. Give up cigarettes, coffee, drugs that cause addiction. The energy center on the 25th lunar day is the ears. Symbols: Sink, Vessel with "living and dead water", Turtle. Stones: pink marble, heliotrope, cat's, tiger's and hawk's eyes.

Moon calendar

Day 25

Today 25 March.
Age of the moon 25.2 Days - decreasing.
Moon at 378,550 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 149,234,964 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 11:00:07, 29 Mar 2025.


Rating Gemini

Former President of the Untied States
1 Place
Spanish professional tennis player
2 Place
German professional football manager
3 Place
Prime Minister of United Kingdom
4 Place
Polish professional tennis player
5 Place
English musician
6 Place
Serbian professional tennis player
7 Place
English singer
9 Place
10 Place
English celebrity chef
11 Place
American-British film and stage producer
12 Place
American and Australian actress and producer
13 Place
English comedian and actor
14 Place
American actress
15 Place
American actress
16 Place
English-Irish broadcaster
17 Place
American actress
18 Place
Founder of Foster and Partners
19 Place
English drummer
20 Place
American stand-up comedian
21 Place
American actor
22 Place
Italian film director
23 Place
British professional tennis player
24 Place
English professional darts player
25 Place
American Director, actress and former model
26 Place
American guitarist
27 Place
Italian professional football coach and former player
28 Place
English professional football manager
29 Place
British actress
30 Place


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