

Years of birth: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

About the sign

The dragon is the fifth sign in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. His years: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 and so on. The numbers of luck are 1, 7, 6. The shades of luck are gold and silver. High compatibility for the sign is Rooster, Rat, Monkey, and low compatibility for Bull, Dog, Goat. The representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope is distinguished by the following character traits: decisive, inspiring, generous, sensitive, ambitious, romantic, eccentric, tactless, intolerant, dreamy.

Chinese Zodiac - Dragon

People who were born in the Year of the Dragon have a strong character and a broad soul. Their element is a tree, the luckiest time of the year is spring, and the peak of the season is April. Astrologers attribute this animal to the Yang group, it controls the time interval of 7-9 am. The colors of yellow and black bring prosperity to the Dragon, and the plants - lotus, sage and mandrake. The best countries for the residence of representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope are Nepal, Ceylon, Spain, Bolivia, Finland and Kenya.

Despite the fact that this sign has a fixed element, it successfully combines all the earthly elements. The dragon symbolizes the lust for power, vitality and ambition.

In astrology, this sign is the personification of independence, love of freedom and violent imagination. The dragon does not tolerate oppression and needs living space. Often he is an incorrigible idealist who demands the same from other people. Because of this quality, he can lose loved ones and friends. From childhood, the Dragon makes exaggerated demands on those around him. A sign can experience dissatisfaction with life already at a young age. When the formation of his personality takes place, he is faced with the first difficulties that will determine his future future.

The rebellious nature makes the Dragon often challenge society and make grandiose plans. He hates when his personal space is invaded and can suddenly "spew out flames."

People born this year are maximalists by nature. Throughout their lives, Dragons hone their skills and talents. They don't stop learning, but they can't stand it when someone gives unsolicited advice.

The Dragon exudes charisma, so he easily disposes of people. This sign of the Chinese horoscope always has many supporters, and those around them believe in its wisdom and exceptional qualities. He is a gifted, eloquent and intelligent person, born for luxury and fame. In communication, the Dragon is often straightforward and sincere, not inclined to lie and hypocrite. In work, the representative of this sign will spare neither physical nor moral strength. He performs any tasks as efficiently and quickly as possible, he is able to reach great heights in business.

Dragon character benefits

In astrology, the Dragon is considered an almost unsinkable person. He will never stop there, since he is not satisfied with a secondary role in life. The place of this sign is on the throne. Often, representatives of this symbol try to do everything to leave their own mark in history. If success does not come to him in one area, then he will focus on another without hesitation. The Dragon always has several alternative activities, as he is used to playing it safe in case of failure.

The dragon is an excellent organizer, strategist and tactician. He can easily turn any defeat into victory, and also benefit from what is happening around him. This sign of the Chinese horoscope is not used to being wasted on trifles, because he knows his own worth. He is generous enough, as his inner hero always seeks to help the weak. In order to achieve this goal, the Dragon will use his own mind and talent, but will never go over his head.

Dragon in the Chinese zodiac

Dragon character flaws

One of the negative qualities of the Dragon is tactlessness. Often, representatives of this sign insert their comments where it is not necessary. They can make a remark even to strangers, although they themselves cannot stand criticism. Those who are not closely acquainted with the Dragon conclude that this is a shameless and rude person.

Usually he knows how to control himself, but sometimes outbursts of anger occur, which are furious and completely unexpected. For the Dragon, understanding and approval of the people around is important. He needs to be in the spotlight, and routine and monotony lead him to despondency. This sign can even use harsh methods to solve problems, explaining its behavior by the fact that it wants justice.

Dragon man

The Dragon man enters marriage quite late, as he values ​​his freedom very much. It is quite possible to build a partnership with him, but it will not work to "domesticate" the representative of this sign. Usually, the Dragon leaves the parent's nest early and becomes independent, not afraid to take responsibility for its own life. Despite the recommendations of his family, he chooses his own path. Sometimes his plans and dreams seem unrealistic to those around him, but the Dragon will certainly prove that they are wrong. This Chinese horoscope sign will make every effort to make his dreams come true.

In personal relationships, the Dragon is often unstable. He is in search of the perfect soul mate, but he may remain a bachelor.

The Dragon man is incredibly amorous, but often his feelings quickly cool down. In marriage, he can become an understanding husband for his wife, but he is prone to betrayal.

Chinese Zodiac - Dragon

Dragon Woman

The Dragon Girl early begins to demonstrate her own independence to her parents. She has self-realization and career in the first place, so she is in no hurry to get married. The Dragon woman chooses her future profession and environment herself, since she rarely listens to other people's advice.

During the acquaintance, she often takes the initiative, and the partner should share her own views and be an interesting conversationalist.

The Dragon Woman wants to meet a soul mate who is stronger than her. She needs a companion to admire and be proud of.

The representative of this sign always has many new friends of interest. In a relationship, she, like the Dragon man, is very fickle, but she approaches the choice of a husband thoroughly. The Dragon Woman will never create a family with a dubious and unreliable person. There should be a talented, intelligent, ambitious, courageous and honest companion next to her.

Compatibility Dragons

Business Love Marriage Sex Friendship Compatibility
SnakeSnake 4/5
PigPig 5/5
GoatGoat 5/5
RoosterRooster 4/5
TigerTiger 5/5
MonkeyMonkey 5/5
RatRat 5/5
RabbitRabbit 5/5
HorseHorse 3/5
DogDog 5/5
BullBull 5/5
DragonDragon 4/5

Rating Dragons

British broadcaster and former politician
1 Place
Vice President–elect of the United States
2 Place
Prime Minister of United Kingdom
3 Place
English television personality
4 Place
Canadian-American actor
5 Place
English television presenter
6 Place
American actor
7 Place
English broadcaster
8 Place
English broadcaster
9 Place
American actress and singer
10 Place
multi-millionaire British businessman
11 Place
American actress and producer
12 Place
Australian actress
13 Place
American lawyer
14 Place
Barbadian singer
15 Place
Scottish politician
16 Place
American actress
17 Place
English model
18 Place
American stand-up comedian
19 Place
British singer
20 Place
Mexican filmmaker
21 Place
British beauty entrepreneur
22 Place
American actress and comedian
23 Place
American Director, actress and former model
24 Place
Leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP)
25 Place
British media entrepreneur and politician
26 Place
Secretary of State for Scotland
27 Place
former track cyclist and racing driver
28 Place
Brazilian professional footballer
29 Place
American actor and filmmaker
30 Place
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Personal horoscope

Sometimes you want to know what the coming day is preparing. Understand who is waiting for our support, and in what area we need help. Fortunately, our readers have such an opportunity. Julie Poe, a numerologist with extensive knowledge, prepares a forecast and generously shares his observations and warnings.
Julie Poe

Leading numerologist, best-selling author
Died this year
Born this year