

It is looking pretty serious for the spring. This is a system-wide issue now. We are asking for the Treasury in the UK to intervene as others have [in Europe] quotes


I'd like to know what happens when Harry decides he's had enough of command. quotes


We are working to help Ukrainian aid agencies in these challenging times. Shufti Pro’s 10 Million free verifications is our way to support the wonderful organisations already working to help Ukrainian people. quotes


At KYND, we value the strong relationships we build with our clients so that together we can work towards a shared mission of protecting businesses from cyber risks, enabling them to grow confidently. Howden is on a mission to refine every part the cyber insurance value chain and deliver outstanding service for their clients, so we are obviously delighted Howden sees our growing range of products as an important part of that process. quotes

HAJI Karim
HAJI Karim

Partner and Head of Financial Services, KPMG in the UK

In a press release: «20% of Brits haven’t visited a bank branch since before the Covid-19 pandemic»


Individuals today tend to have multiple banking relationships whereas in the past they would only have one. New entrants to the UK banking market have shown that they can gain customers but convincing individuals to shift everything away from their incumbent bank is much more difficult because people in the UK are very loyal. Even with the current account switching service which makes it very easy to switch banks, there remains a perception that shifting your current account is a hassle. quotes


We welcome the bank’s commitment to make bigger firms face up to the consequences of paying their small suppliers late. The consequences for wellbeing and mental health can be catastrophic. But late payments are just part of the problem. Repeated delays and excuses, and extended payment terms of 90/120 and even 360 days are common. Uncertainty kills small and micro businesses as well as freelancers and sole traders. As well as customers and would-be employees we need to see potential investors refusing to invest in firms that don’t treat small suppliers well. We also need this to be top of the Board governance agendas. A change in payment culture is decades overdue quotes


Late payments is the single biggest cause of business failure. We want to unite the small business community in tackling this issue and raise the social conscience of larger businesses who don’t pay on time. Any business worried about the impact of late payments should contact their bank to talk about their options, whether that be for guidance on how to report a business for paying late, or to explore invoice finance and insurance options. quotes


The findings from the report demonstrate a clear signal to governments that corporates are investing at scale in renewable electricity, not just in Europe and North America but in the Asia-Pacific region as well. While there is more that needs to be done, and faster, the year-on-year improvements shown by our members' data are encouraging confirmation that corporate demand for renewables is gaining pace quotes


Chief Executive of Centre for London

In a press release: «Mayor of London reveals cost of congestion as car use remains high»


Traffic congestion is bad news for London’s businesses and for Londoners’ health and, despite welcome interventions to encourage drivers to travel by other means, these latest figures suggest that more needs to be done. The Congestion Charge, while world-leading when it was first introduced, is outdated and its effectiveness has diminished over time, particularly as it only affects those who drive through our city centre quotes


Head of Policy and Research at Campaign for Better Transport

In a press release: «Mayor of London reveals cost of congestion as car use remains high»


Traffic congestion is bad for our health, bad for business and bad for the planet, so it is crucial that we keep up efforts to reduce car use in the capital to ensure a green recovery. Making more journeys by public transport and active travel is key to tackling congestion and cleaning up London’s air – as well as helping to reduce carbon emissions – so it is regrettable that the share of journeys by public transport in particular has decreased as a result of the pandemic quotes


Director of City Planning, Transport for London

In a press release: «Mayor of London reveals cost of congestion as car use remains high»


Ensuring that people can walk, cycle and use public transport is vital to London’s successful recovery from the pandemic. A car led recovery will increase congestion and pollution, threatening London’s economy and making the capital a less healthy and sustainable place for everyone. Following the successful expansion of the ULEZ scheme, which led to a reduction in trips by older and dirtier vehicles, we’re determined to make sure that clean and reliable public transport plays a central role in supporting Londoners and the wider economy quotes


Managing Director of Latus Health

In a press release: «Yodha, the world's first connected health platform launches»


We designed Yodha with no limits to the support we provide. Our mission was to create a single wellbeing programme, that all businesses, no matter where in the world they are, can offer to every employee and it will provide a truly unique wellbeing experience for each employee based on their individual needs quotes


2021 has been a challenging year but also a big year for the climate change agenda and we’ve seen people becoming more engaged and vocal. The research shows that many are considering their day to day behaviours and looking for changes that can tackle this issue. All actions, whether big or small, can make a difference and we hope the tool we’ve developed, along with other carbon cutting apps and technologies, can help people stick to their 2022 resolutions quotes


Whilst we have made huge strides in increasing walking and cycling in London throughout the pandemic, car use has remained consistently high. If we do not double down on our efforts to deliver a greener, more sustainable future, we will replace one public health crisis with another – caused by filthy air and gridlocked roads quotes

QUINN Noel Paul
QUINN Noel Paul

Chief executive of HSBC

In a press release: «HSBC to acquire L&T Investment Management»


This transaction enhances the strength of our business in India and reinforces our status as one of Asia’s leading wealth managers. quotes

REMYN  Andrea Stone
REMYN Andrea Stone

Group Head, Data & Analytics

In a press release: «State Street and LSEG Expand Relationship»


We look forward to continuing to work with State Street as a key strategic partner, providing our broad range of global, multi-asset class solutions to help enhance its services. quotes


London Councils’ Executive member for City Development

In a press release: «One in 53 Londoners is homeless, new analysis shows»


Boroughs are doing all we can to support homeless Londoners but we need urgent action from the government. Ministers must ensure the welfare system prevents homelessness from occurring in the first place and we need far more investment in affordable housing. quotes


Chief Executive Officer

In a press release: «Mayor announces ambitious new plans to rewild London»


The Grow Back Greener Fund closely connects with our own aims to protect the environment and invest in the communities we serve. Green spaces provide sustainable urban drainage, giving rainfall a place to be soaked up rather than mixing with sewage in our drains. With climate change having more of an impact on the capital, we all have a responsibility to take action. We’re working hard on reducing our carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2030 and these projects will help our collective action to support climate resilience. quotes


Non-executive board member of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

In a press release: «Mayor announces ambitious new plans to rewild London»


I’m so excited to be working with the Mayor on this new rewilding taskforce for London. All people need experience close connection with nature in their lives, and yet for many Londoners this is a remote possibility today. From green rooftops to pocket parks, nest boxes for peregrines and swifts, rewiggling streams and reintroducing long lost native species, our plan is to weave wild nature back through the very fabric of our city. quotes


Director of Learning, Youth & Communities at London Wildlife Trust

In a press release: «Mayor announces ambitious new plans to rewild London»


We are absolutely delighted that the Mayor of London will be supporting London Wildlife Trust’s hugely successful ‘Keeping it Wild’ traineeship programme for young people aged 16-25. Paid opportunities like these are a fantastic springboard into a career in nature conservation and are vitally important in supporting under-represented young people who face barriers to accessing jobs within the green economy. quotes


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