DC Studios (formerly known as DC Films) is an American film, television, and animation studio that is a division of Warner Bros., which is a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD). It is dedicated to the production of films, series, and animations based on characters from DC Comics, among them is their flagship franchise, the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). James Gunn and Peter Safran assumed control of the company, on November 1, 2022.
Previously, Walter Hamada was the president of DC Films from 2018 until his departure in October 2022.
The studio's films Aquaman (2018) and Joker (2019) are among the 50 highest-grossing films of all time, with Joker becoming the first R-rated film to gross over $1 billion. In addition to the DCU, DC Studios was also involved with the production of other DC-character film franchises that have exceeded $1 billion in North American box office revenue, including Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman multi-film franchises.