Horoscope month For sign Pisces

TODAY 27 March 2025. MOON decreasing, NEW MOON 29 March.

Pisces stars on the first day promise an active day. Promote projects, meet like-minded people, exchange information. Until the third decade of the month comes, focus on training, meetings and short-term trips, and promoting new ideas. Fate is favorable, and all events will take place at the scheduled time.

In the second decade, pay attention to family and relatives. After the twenty-seventh, a period will begin when it is recommended to direct all the accumulated energy inward and check the activity of the past days. On the twenty-first or twenty-second, acute conflicts in the field of raising children are likely to occur. Every now and then you go into confrontation with spouses and lovers. Channel your energy into a creative direction, dance, change your image.

Business Horoscope

For Pisces, the first half of the month promises to be favorable. Get ready to draw up plans for the distant future regarding the business, as well as to search for partners focused on long-term cooperation. After the 18th, slow down a little and step back into the shadows. Difficulties await you in business, many problems that are better to be solved as they come. During this period, any commercial or business activity will undergo difficulties, especially in the field of mediation, logistics, transportation and publishing.



In the first half of the month, Pisces is affected by the Luminaries in such a way that there will be an excess of strength and energy. You are in great physical shape. The only thing is, try not to make high demands on yourself, so as not to get injured due to carelessness and overexertion. In the second half of the period, you will have an excellent psychological state. There is also a risk of contracting an infectious disease, so be on your guard.


Love horoscope

Free Pisces will feel unrequited love that will change life priorities, help to grow up, reveal their abilities and talents, and also enrich their inner world. If you are a couple, then in the first half of the month, try to translate some of the intentions towards your partner into reality. Learn how to properly react to changes in his mood to prevent possible conflicts. Towards the end of the period, you will demand a lot of commitment to everything that you have done for your other half. Be restrained, do not be unnecessarily inflamed.


Moon calendar

On the twenty-seventh day, the Moon is waning and is in phase IV from the last quarter to the new moon. Try to forget about material things today, get to know the world, think about the sublime. It is today that you can gain secret skills and knowledge, you will find the answer to an exciting question. There is a chance for healing, but with the help of non-drug means. Meditate, relax. The work is going well, and the trips will go well. A new stage in life awaits you, but do not start anything, and you should not marry on this day. Eat more citrus fruits!

Signs and dreams come true. The energy center is the shins. Symbols of the day: Ship, Trident, Wand. Stones: selenite, emerald, purple amethyst.

Moon calendar

Day 27

Today 27 March.
Age of the moon 27.3 Days - decreasing.
Moon at 370,096 kilometers from the center of the earth.
Earth from the Sun at distance 149,317,792 kilometers.
Next new moon will be 11:00:07, 29 Mar 2025.


Rating Pisces

English actress
1 Place
British Labour and Co-operative politician
2 Place
English broadcaster
3 Place
English actor
4 Place
Australian actress
5 Place
Founder of News Corp
6 Place
Canadian singer
7 Place
Barbadian singer
8 Place
Member of the British royal family
9 Place
Australian filmmaker
10 Place
Scottish professional darts player
11 Place
Welsh professional darts player
12 Place
retired British television executive and presenter
13 Place
British actor
14 Place
English professional dancer and choreographer
15 Place
Scottish politician
16 Place
Norwegian professional football manager and former player
17 Place
American singer and songwriter
18 Place
American filmmaker
19 Place
American professional basketball player
20 Place
Member of Parliament (MP) for Leicester East
21 Place
American actor
22 Place
American musician
23 Place
actor and producer
24 Place
American journalist
25 Place
Kenyan-Mexican actress
26 Place
English singer
27 Place
American boxing promoter
28 Place
Indian actor
29 Place
Shadow Home Secretary
30 Place


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