Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB)
Hamburg Commercial Bank (
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Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB)


Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB)

Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB)

Banks and investments


Hamburg Commercial Bank is a commercial bank in northern Europe with headquarters in Hamburg as well as Kiel, Germany. It is active in corporate and private banking. Considered to be the world’s largest provider of maritime finance, its main focus is on shipping, transportation, real estate and renewable energy. The bank is one of the pioneers in the pan-European project financing of renewable energies and is also involved in the expansion of digital infrastructure.

In 2022, the bank won the “World’s Best Bank Transformation” award by Euromoney trade magazine. For the third year in a row, The bank was awarded as "Best Performing Bank" in Germany by The Banker.

The bank changed its name from HSH Nordbank to Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB) on February 4, 2019, after the bank was sold to new owners in 2018. HCOB has foreign offices in Athens and Singapore and other significant operations in Luxembourg and London.

HSH Nordbank, then HCB has been designated as a Significant Institution since the entry into force of European Banking Supervision in late 2014, and as a consequence is directly supervised by the European Central Bank.


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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