

Brooks Macdonald is a trading name of Brooks Macdonald Group plc used by various companies in the Brooks Macdonald group of companies.

Brooks Macdonald, through its various subsidiaries, provides discretionary asset management, fund management, financial consulting and specialist property management.

Established in 1991, Brooks Macdonald has grown under stable management and now collectively manages £8.00bn  and employs 479 staff (as at 31.3.16) across 12 offices in the UK and the Channel Islands.

Brooks Macdonald is a member of the London Stock Exchange and has been a member of the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) since 2005.

Brooks Macdonald Group plc is registered in England No 4402058. Registered office: 72 Welbeck Street London W1G 0AY.


Brooks Macdonald Gayer & Co Limited was founded in 1991 by Chris Macdonald, Richard Spencer, Jon Gumpel and Martin Mullany. In 1997, Brooks Macdonald Asset Management Gayer was founded. In 2002, Brooks Macdonald Group Plc was established. Brooks Macdonald Gayer & Co Limited became Brooks Macdonald Financial Consulting Limited and Brooks Macdonald Gayer Asset Management Limited changed its name to Brooks Macdonald Asset Management Limited. In 2005, Brooks Macdonald Group plc became a member of the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). Also in 2005, Brooks Macdonald Asset Management Limited opened its first regional office in Winchester. In 2012, Brooks Macdonald Group plc also announced the acquisition of Spearpoint (Spearpoint Limited and Spearpoint Retirement Services Limited), a Jersey and Guernsey based provider of discretionary fund management with stock broking and retirement planning capabilities. In 2016, Brooks Macdonald united its core divisions (Asset Management, Financial Consulting, Funds, Retirement Services and International) under one Brooks Macdonald brand.


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Company Persons

Chief Investment Officer at Brooks Macdonald
1 place


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