World Fuel Services Corporation
World Fuel Services Corpo
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World Fuel Services Corporation


World Fuel Services Corporation

World Fuel Services Corporation

Industry and Production


World Fuel Services Corporation is a fuel services company, principally engaged in the distribution of fuel and related products and services in the aviation, land and marine transportation industries.

Its Aviation segment provides global aviation fuel supply and service solutions to commercial airlines, second and third-tier airlines, cargo carriers, regional and low-cost carriers, fixed based operators, corporate fleets, fractional operators and private aircraft. Its land segment primarily offers fuel, heating oil, propane, natural gas, lubricants and related products and services to petroleum distributors operating in the land transportation market, retail petroleum operators, and industrial, commercial, residential and government customers.

Its Marine segment markets fuel, lubricants and related products and services to a range of marine customers, including international container and tanker fleets, commercial cruise lines, yachts and time-charter operators and others.


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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