NSW Premier Cricket
NSW Premier Cricket
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NSW Premier Cricket


NSW Premier Cricket

NSW Premier Cricket



NSW Premier Cricket, formerly known as Sydney Grade Cricket. is a cricket competition played in Sydney, Australia.

The competition began in 1893 when a number of clubs that had been playing for many years on an ad hoc basis voted to create a formal competition structure.

The NSW Premier Cricket competition is generally played on Saturdays and begins in mid-September and continues until the grand final is played on the first weekend of April. Spectators are generally few and far between at matches, mostly family members, partners or club members. The exception to this is at T20 matches which can attract crowds into the hundreds and occasionally the low thousands. Players for the NSW team are selected from the first-grade competition. While modern day cricketers have few breaks outside the international calendar, when they do NSW players often return to play in the first-grade competition.

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